Blog: From our R&D Lab: Photo Collage iOS App

We continue with our new video series “News from our R&D Lab”. In these videos we want to showcase some of the new technologies and interesting projects our engineering team is currently working on. We are happy to share some knowledge that can be useful to other developers around the world, and would be happy to hear some feedback from you guys! Hopefully, our current and future customers will appreciate it as well.

Today we are going to talk about one simple app our Custom Development Team created for one of our clients. This is an easy to use and fun application which allows you to showcase your favorite and most treasured photos from holidays, family events, vacations, or favorite moments in a collage. An integrated powerful image editor lets you be super creative in creating your collages.

photo collage app
With the help of this application creating a professional collage instantly is incredibly easy! The editor panel allows you to move, swap, rotate, zoom, sketch, etc. You can also add a photo directly from your camera.  Render  the result and share it with the world through Instagram, Facebook or any other social network.

Check out this short video to find out how our Photo Collage App looks like:



This application can be added as a module to any other application where users upload images and share them with other users, for example a social network or a photo editor. So if you are interested to include a photo collage as an additional feature to your app, just contact us and we would be happy to help you out!

Tools We Used To Create This Application:

  • iOS SDK