News: DB Best sponsors Microsoft US Digital Transformation Academy 2019 in Las Vegas, NV

DB Best will be sponsoring the Microsoft US Digital Transformation Academy 2019 (DTA) Event, taking place on September 17-19 in Las Vegas, NV. Every year DTA hosts thousands of Microsoft US executives, sellers, partner managers, and marketing staff in one location. DTA provides opportunities for Microsoft partners like DB Best to create go-to-market plans, to identify co-sell opportunities, and to build a joint pipeline with the Microsoft team. Also, at this event, partners and the US field can take the strategic direction shared at Microsoft Inspire and Microsoft Ready and convert it to action.
Meet the DB Best team
For DB Best, DTA is a great opportunity to strengthen our network across Microsoft and with other US partners. We look forward to meeting our regular as well as new partners at this event. And, of course, we foresee many new challenging projects where our skillful team can shine brightly. Also, we expect to learn more about this fiscal year goals for the partnership between Microsoft and DB Best.
If you happen to be at the Microsoft US Digital Transformation Academy 2019 Event, be sure to visit our booth and say hello to our team. The DB Best team attending DTA 2019 includes Dmitry Balin, Prabhat Varma, Sudhir Gajre, Jerry Genkin, and Zach Barlow.