DB2Migrator is an intuitive and effective assistant for DB2 to SQL Server data migration. The tool transfers data from DB2 tables to existing SQL Server tables in a few easy steps. It is simple in use and advantageous in work.
How to use the tool
An wizard-like that allows the user to restart the migration from any step.
The tool uses the bulk copy mechanism to load data from DB2 tables to SQL Server. This approach allows it to achieve the maximum possible insertion speed.
By creating a single migration task, you can migrate many tables at once. The target SQL Server database and schema can be specified only once for the whole task.
Current migration tasks can be saved in a file and restored later. Thus, you don't need to specify all parameters from scratch when you are repeating the migration for a similar set of tables on the same servers.
You can edit the SELECT statement which reads the source data. This allows fixing many common data migration problems like incompatibilities in data types. Besides, it makes possible to perform a partial data migration, when you need to move only a definite range of records.
DB2Migrator has a Column Mapping feature, which allows establishing a custom correspondence between DB2 and SQL Server columns if necessary. This can occur, for example, when a DB2 column name happens to be a SQL Server keyword.
Supported databases
DB2Migrator supports the following versions of DB Servers:
Source DB
· DB2 LUW 10.1
· DB2 LUW 10.5
· DB2 LUW 11.1
Target DB
· SQL Server 2008 (10.0)
· SQL Server 2012 (11.0)
· SQL Server 2014 (12.0)
· SQL Server 2016 (13.0)
· SQL Server 2017 (14.0)
· Azure SQL DB 12.0
System Requirements
DB2Migrator requires the following software to be installed on your computer:
Operating system
- Windows Server 2003 or higher;
- Windows XP or higher.
Additional software
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
- DB2 client 9.5 or later or Microsoft OLEDB provider for DB2 3.0 or later