Building Applications for Apple Watch
21 Jan 2016

Apple Watch, a wearable gadget, is a tool designed to make digital user experience more seamless. For customers, it provides a new level of comfort and device interaction, while for developers it is a way to make their app stand out by integrating the smartwatch. In this article we will review some of the main points everyone should know before expanding to the Apple Watch realm. The nativity of watchOS 2 watchOS 2, the newest version of the Apple Watch operating system, significantly alters the architecture of a Watch app. Architectural differences between OS: WatchKit extension code runs in the iPhone for watchOS 1, while for watchOS 1, the...

News from our R&D Lab: Sony SmartWatch App & SDK
27 Jan 2015

As the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2015) has demonstrated, 2015 will be a year of wearables. The amount of manufacturers who are entering this market is enormous and keeps growing. The public awareness and consumer demand for smartwatches and other wearable gadgets is booming, and as Shawn DuBravac, a chief economist with the U.S. Consumer Electronics Association, has stated:  10.5 million smartwatches would be shipped this year in the U.S. only. Smart devices is THE trend today in a variety of industries starting from healthcare and fitness, and ending with automotive and finance. Modern smartwatches, for instance, allow users to ...

Android Smartphone Management Through Galaxy Gear
02 May 2014

Smart watch has become a part of our daily life just a short while ago, when they captured a niche of smartphones accessories and wearable technology. Not only they function as a regular watch, they can manage and send remote commands to your smartphone! With this article we’re starting a new discussion and series of blog posts on software development and interaction between gadgets and Android-based smartphones. Wearable Technology Concept Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch represents a new and expanding class of electronic devices – wearable devices or wearable computers. Their key feature is basically explained within the term itself: Thes...